Displaying 1 - 16 of 28

Can God Heal My Past?

A life-long struggle with identity and weight pushed Jackie to death's doorstep.

Sleep patient Tom Kramer discusses how his CPAP machine helped treat his sleep apnea.

Angela struggled with her image for years and eating disorders were the result until she realized how God views her.

We'd all like to know the secret to staying healthy and living longer. Doctors say it's about making smart food choices. Now they're raving about the...

Since early childhood, Marie Notcheva was obsessed with keeping her weight in check. This led to a 10 year struggle with bulimia that put her life in...

She ballooned up to 260 pounds at her heaviest. Today, she's a half marathon runner. See how this make-up artist lost the weight.

Together, Phil and Amy Parham lost 256 pounds on TV’s The Biggest Loser. They also shed the burdens of depression and bankruptcy. Discover the power...

She survived the Amazon for the CBS reality show, Survivor. Now she's on The 700 Club to discuss how a commitment to health can help you shed the...

Fitness trainer Jim Karas says you can lose weight and stay healthy through strength training techniques.

Sandy Griffin overcame a life long cycle of secretive, compulsive, binge eating. She describes the syndrome as “stuffing her pain”. See how Jesus...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Can what you eat change your mood? Can drinking beer prevent you from losing weight? Can...

A young man goes from the thug life to a higher calling. Also, Gordon and Terry pray for a woman who needed a total body makeover.

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" question: Can the color of paint cause weight loss? Does regular exercise help lower the risk of...

America's Health and Lifestyle Coach discusses how to break through weight loss plateaus and gets on the mini-trampoline.

After four months on her new diet plan, Tricia Cunningham was wearing a size 9. It's far smaller than what she used to wear when her weight was...


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